Check any website’s web visibility with Moz Rank checker by SEO Tools Book and make web analysis reports quickly.
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SEO Tools Book Moz Rank checker is an easy-to-use tool to analyze pages and site’s web visibility. It helps you understand your website or page’s SERP rankings. Moreover, with our tool, you can easily check the key parameters of your website. In particular, it shows you the domain authority and page authority for which we also have separate tools titled domain authority checker and page authority checker. But Moz Rank checker is more convenient because it shows you both along with some other stats.
It is an advanced tool that allows you to generate as many domains as possible. So, you can check your and your competitor’s report and make an SEO strategy to rank higher. It is very easy to use, you just need to copy and paste your URL and submit it. Your result will be ready.
Moz Rank is an alternative to Google PageRank which determines a site’s authority on the internet. Moz created this tool to catalog the importance and popularity of a webpage. Moreover, it sets the score through the links it receives from the domain or website. Both Google PageRank and Moz Rank share the same objectives. But they have one thing uncommon, Google Page Rank only analyzes the indexed pages while Moz does all.
While setting the score, PageRank sets a whole number to score a page or website. And Moz Rank uses fractional numbers like 3.88, 4.55. In our view, this is more effective and understandable to check the authority on the internet. So according to the logarithmic value, the higher the number the higher the authority. Besides, the higher the number the more effort you need to go to a higher level.
The Moz Rank is very important for website owners, and webmasters. Because it tries to fill an existing void on the internet. Particularly it works as an alternative to Google's PageRank and breaks the monopoly. The PageRank, when evaluating web pages, considers links from other web pages to point value. But it considers the links that do not have the rel = »no follow attribute.
At present, Google only values web pages to its readers, when that particular attribute is used. It eventually prevents its value from allocating to referred web pages despite being relevant. This system is not fair and currently causes huge damage to many websites.
But when it comes to Moz Ranks, the ranking considers all the links and allocates the link juice properly. Its independent API follows a different set of rules to value a website’s authority. Thus, it shows four different metrics to inform the readers about its links and ranks separately. And Moz Rank checker is the tool you need to learn better about your website.