RGB to HEX Color Conversion Tool

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Enter red, green and blue color levels (0-255) and press the Convert button:

Red color (R):
Green color (G):
Blue color (B):
Color preview:
Hex color code:
RGB color code:
HSL color code:

About SEO Tools Book RGB to HEX Converter

SEO Tools Book RGB to HEX tool is a simple yet useful tool. We developed this tool for designers, programmers, and web developers. In particular, it helps you convert RGB color to HEX code. Moreover, you can use this tool to translate RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) color to a value that you can use for any HTML and CSS code base for web pages. On the other hand, designers also use the hexadecimal values of converted RGB colors for graphical content and digital screen projects.  

Converting colors into a code useful on the HTML and CSS was a burden for designers and web developers. As part of their struggle, they could not choose the exact color of their choice. Here comes our RGB to HEX converter. Now with our advanced tool, you can convert RGB to HEX very easily. It has just made the designers' and developers' life easier. Furthermore, our color picker makes your work easier.

What are RGB and HEX?

RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue. And it is simply an additive color model that helps you generate a vast number of colors determined by different proportions. As per science, these three colors can produce virtually any other color in the world. And it simply does this by using "additive color mixing," but you don't have to dig into the science of that to understand RGB.

On the other hand, HEX stands for the hexadecimal color model. Initially, the hex color model is the specification of the RGB mix. When we mix the three colors in a certain proportion, it generates a specific color and we convert it HEX it shows a code. Moreover, HEX is the standard color model for HTML and CSS coding base.
Simply put, we use the RGB color model to create visuals for graphical and electronic systems. On the other hand, HEX is more specific and used in HTML and CSS for webpage development.

Why RGB to HEX?

People often have trouble reaching a consensus on how to refer to colors. So, imagine between people and computers. It might have occurred to your mind that why RGB to HEX. We know computers only understand 0 and 1. And we humans understand the visuals. When we mix RGB and see a color our mind takes it, but when we need to implement this vision for digital screens, we need to program understandable codes.

In simple words, the computer would not understand what is luminous summer sky color or the captivating reflection of the eyes of my loved ones, it would only understand alphanumeric code. 

Therefore, we need to convert the RGB color model to HEX code. Because computers programs or the HTML and CSS syntax can only understand and project the color properly. So, the hexadecimal system is based on the principle of codes that specify how much or intensity of each primary color to add to the mix.